Master Negotiation with AI Practice

Perfect Your Negotiation Tactics Using AI

Hello and welcome back to profitable pathways

Lately, we've been discussing various finance related prompts, but today I'd like to take a step back and share how I've benefited from using AI tools like ChatGPT.

Negotiation skills have always been a challenge for me, especially when it comes to closing deals. It has often been quite frustrating. Then, I discovered the power of AI tools. Now, I use these tools as practice clients, simulating real-life negotiation scenarios. The AI makes counteroffers and argues points, allowing me to practice until I'm fully prepared to negotiate with potential clients.

Here's how you can leverage AI to identify your weaknesses and transform them into strengths.

I need assistance with negotiating a deal. I am the head of sales at an office furniture company, and XYZ company is currently renovating and seeking a new office furniture supplier. We have already had two meetings where we discussed designs and plans for their new setup. This upcoming meeting is crucial as it is where I need to close the deal. Our rates are on the higher side because we focus on high-quality wood and superior craftsmanship. Our customer retention rate is over 70%. Please pose questions as a client, and we will engage in a back-and-forth conversation to prepare for the negotiation.

Thanks for reading.

